Our commitment for a sustainable future

Ethics and aesthetics meet in our desire for nature, beauty, harmony and authenticity. We believe that the land is not an inheritance we receive from our fathers, but a loan we must preserve for our children. For this reason, Palazzo di Varignana has defined a plan of actions intended to improve the sustainable footprint of the Resort and all its related activities. Diversification of energy sources, reduction and efficiency in water consumption, procurement of raw materials from short supply chain, planting of trees and conversion to organic of some crops.
These are just some of the chapters of this integrated plan toward reducing the environmental footprint that is being enriched with new goals and strategies every day.

Nature helps us in finding answers to the complex problems of this age, seeking to mend our relationship with the cycles and times of the seasons, respecting the earth and people.

Environmental and social responsibility, support for the community, for the land, for those most in need: moral commitments that are inscribed in our values, dwell in our intentions and manifest themselves in our everyday choices.

It is our commitment to leave a legacy for the future.


Since 2015 to date, our Agrivar agricultural estate has expanded to cover 242 hectares of land, introducing to the hills surrounding Varignana the cultivation of olive trees, vines, as well as fruits and vegetables that are used in the preparation of dishes in the resort's restaurants. In figures, it's about 100 quintals of fruits and vegetables produced on our farms and offered to the resort guests. In addition, this year we obtained organic certification for Claterna and Blend Verde extra virgin oils, a step forward to make the products of our lands healthier and reduce pollution caused by chemical agents.

According to the principles of circular economy, the products of our lands are used to offer food and wine at km0 and to produce our Varsana SPA cosmetic line, designed with natural raw materials such as extra virgin olive oil, wine, saffron and pomegranate.

In the resort, utmost attention is paid to the renewable energy and the reduction of energy waste. For this reason, photovoltaic systems, electric charging stations for internal means of transportation, and water basins that collect surface water and release it in a controlled manner as needed have been built. In addition, a plan is underway to replace all lights with energy-efficient LEDs.

Environmental protection at Palazzo di Varignana also translates into efforts to reduce plastic. For example, we leave brick water available to all our guests, which is entirely recyclable and helpful in reducing the use of plastic and facilitating its disposal. The showers in the changing areas of Varsana SPA have fixed dispensers containing shower gel and shampoo from which our guests can help themselves.

During their stay, we provide guests with our courtesy line designed with km0 raw materials from local suppliers to minimize emissions from transportation and contribute to the development of local economies.


An ambitious project bases its foundation on good governance, investment in personnel, and sharing of values in order to enable constant and respectful development of people. Human resource management is based on the promotion of equal opportunities, empowerment of young people, monitoring the level of employee satisfaction and involvement in the work environment.

The number of employees currently working at Palazzo di Varignana is 177 people.

51% of our workforce are women, and the salary gap between men and women is less than 1.5%. We foster youth employment, currently under-30s make up 29% of our workforce. We actively contribute to local area employment in fact 82% of our hires are residents of the province of Bologna.

Starting in 2023, an employer branding project was launched involving all departments of the company aimed at improving relationships between employees and the work environment. To reconcile the time between employees' work and personal lives, a network of agreements with activities in the area is being consolidated.


Preserving the values of our territory is part of the mission of Palazzo di Varignana, as is taking care of and supporting the community of which we are a part of.

Thanks to public relations activities carried out over the years, the resort contributes to the promotion, also at an international level, of the destination Emilia-Romagna through press and communication activities.

The vacation of our guests at Palazzo di Varignana is not only a moment of leisure, but also an opportunity to rediscover the nature, history and tradition of our territory. Their stay turns into an opportunity to spend a conscious and immersive experience thanks to the activities that are proposed during the year, such as wine and food events and routes for cyclists or joggers that have been created within the estate.

We prioritize collaborations with local suppliers to support local activities, minimize emissions from transportation, and contribute to the development of local economies.

Palazzo di Varignana works with local entities and associations through partnerships, organization of cultural, social events in collaboration with local entities and charitable projects including: 

  • Dedicated to Emilia - Romagna, two charity dinners to help the people affected by the flood in May 2023;
  • The green that heals, a project that involved the creation of plant oases designed by our landscape architect Sandro Ricci on the balconies of the Oncology ward of the Sant'Orsola Hospital in Bologna to ensure a more welcoming and serene environment for patients and their families;
  • Scholarships for young people enrolled in high school and college residing in Varignana-Palesio;
  • Dynamo, a project in collaboration with Circolo Golf dell'Ugolino to support the non-profit organization that helps children suffering from serious and chronic illnesses and offers Recreational Therapy programs, with the aim of making them have fun and find confidence in themselves and their abilities.