18 June at 8.30 p.m.

Four-hands dinner: the art of experimentation

Francesco Manograsso invites Terry Giacomello - Restaurant Nin

Chef Terry Giacomello's cuisine is projected into the future: his dishes are unique and structured, the result of studies that range across various disciplines, distinguished by imagination, color and innovation. 

According to Giacomello, the contemporary cuisine is magnificently technological and artisanal at the same time.

Info and reservation

7-course menu € 115 per person | 7-course menu with wine pairing € 175 per person

All dinners will begin at 8:30 pm.

All dates will be bookable online approximately one month before the date of the event; to reserve your table in advance write to marketing@palazzodivarignana.com

For more information: +39.051.19938300 | marketing@palazzodivarignana.com

Palazzo di Varignana

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